
The UIUC Linguistics Student Organization provides several services to students at UIUC. Membership is open to graduate students from linguistics and related fields, as well as to any student interested in the study of language. The LSO organizes social events, runs professional workshops, hosts an annual conference, and invites regular speakers for the improvement of the field of linguistics.

Our mission is to foster community among linguistics graduate students as well as to provide platforms to improve professional skills and conduct and present research in linguistics and related fields.

The LSO hosts the annual ILLS conference. For more information on past and future conferences, visit the ILLS website at http://ills.linguistics.illinois.edu/

The current LSO officers (2023-2024)  are:
President: Amelia Tighe
Treasurer: Paul de Nijs
Vice President: Mingyue Huo
Secretary: Joe Beckwith
Membership Coordinator: Anna Romaniuk